In the Press
Below is some of the media coverage from last year’s Horsepower Fest!
Here is a ton of pictures from the last few year’s Horsepower Fest!
Entertainer Magazine
Lauglin Nevada’s local casino scene magazine did an article to help promote Horsepower Fest last year. Click the images for larger versions!
Avi’s Drone Coverage
This footage shows a ton of the show and the happenings via an aerial view.
Headlights & Tailpipes
The Youtube Channel Headlights & Tailpipes Las Vegas came down and covered the event last year.
Boob Tube on Youtube
Thanks to BoobTube on Youtube for coming out and covering the event!
Here's a quick little clip of the Metal Mulisha and Fitz Army guys at Horsepower Fest last year. They will be coming out again this year to put on a show. Horsepower Fest 2017 is on November 4th at the Avi in Laughlin, NV. Room block expires Friday 10/20 so book now! Vehicle registration is still open but filling up quickly. Register today at Horsepower Fest is benefitting The Norona EffectHorsepower Fest is brought to you by Battery Connection Inc, Hughes Motorsports, US Optics, and MadSkillz Fab#socaljetboats #horsepowerfest #horsepower #metalmilitia #fitzarmy #madskillzfab #fxckcancer #carshow #laughlin #laughlinnv @metalmulisha @socaljetboats @horsepower_fest @madskillzfab @laughlinbuzz @riverscenemagazine @cityofbullheadcity
Posted by SoCal Jet Boats on Thursday, October 19, 2017